

Are Christians Naively Marcionite in Their Theology and Practice? – THINKAPOLOGETICS.COM

Are Christians Naively Marcionite in Their Theology and Practice? –  THINKAPOLOGETICS.COM

Just recently, I was having a discussion with a friend of mine about how Christians approach the Old Testament. He happened to pass this quote onto me by Richard B. Hays who says the following: "Many "mainstream" Protestant churches today are in fact naively Marcionite in their theology and practice: in their worship services they…

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Did Marcion believe in salvation? If so, how did he believe it

Did Marcion believe in salvation? If so, how did he believe it

The Non-Dual Vision of Jesus Christ and the teachings of Sri

What is Marcionism?

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Did Marcion believe in salvation? If so, how did he believe it

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