

What are Trigger Points?

What are Trigger Points?

Do you ever have sore spot that makes you nearly jump in pain when it’s touched? How about suddenly feeling pain in one area when an entirely different area of your body is the one being pressed? This may not be a muscle in spasm. It could be a trigger point.⠀Click here to learn more about what trigger points are, and what to do when you get hit with one.

Trigger Points (Knots)

What Are Trigger Points — And How Can They Be Treated?.

Sternocleidomastoid Trigger Point Release and Stretch - Nourishing Massage

Trigger points can affect nearly everyone - The Physio Company

Pectoralis Major Trigger Points

Trigger Point Injections

What Are Trigger Points? - Absolute Health & Wellness

What is Trigger Point Therapy?

What are Trigger Points?

This breathtaking Trigger Point anatomy chart shows in incredible detail and various trigger point zones on the human body and the effects each zone

Trigger Points: Arms and Legs Laminated Chart