

Changes to Roald Dahl's Works Spark Controversy. Is it Right or Wrong? - ALSC Blog

Changes to Roald Dahl's Works Spark Controversy. Is it Right or Wrong? -  ALSC Blog

The Roald Dahl Story Company, recently purchased by Netflix, has agreed to change the wording in 17 of Roald Dahl’s written works, after suggestions by consultants from Inclusive Minds, an organization that aims to represent a diverse society through books that foster “inclusivity, diversity, equality, and accessibility in children’s literature.” [Article here.] Dahl authored the 17 works during the civil rights movement and throughout the following two decades. The changes would eliminate anything written about body weight, mental health, gender, and race. On February 18, 2023, author Salman Rushdie took to Twitter saying, “Roald Dahl was no angel but this is absurd censorship. Puffin Books and the Dahl estate should be ashamed.” By changing these works, the books now represent a politically correct society where these books are considered more inclusive and suitable for today’s young readers. Are the changes censoring a time period of writing where it was historically

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Roald Dahl's books edited to remove gender and race references

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Roald Dahl rewritten: the hundreds of changes made to suit a new

Publisher rolls back proposed changes to Roald Dahl books after

Changes to Roald Dahl books prompt claims of 'absurd censorship

Roald Dahl books rewritten to remove language deemed offensive

Publisher rolls back proposed changes to Roald Dahl books after

Roald Dahl books rewritten to remove language deemed offensive

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