

Palo Santo Smudge Kit, Palo Santo Kit

Palo Santo Smudge Kit, Palo Santo Kit

Simply light the end of the stick of Palo Santo or Sage until it starts to produce smoke. You can then use the smoke to cleanse the Aura of a person by holding it close to and around the body, allowing the smoke to surround them.
Shift Negative Energy from Your Home or Space! How To Use: Simply light the end of the stick of Palo Santo or Sage until it starts to produce smoke. You can then use the smoke to cleanse the Aura of a person by holding it close to and around the body, allowing the smoke to surround them. Alternatively when cleansing a room simply walk around the room in a clockwise motion allowing the smoke to flow. While doing so hold the intention that you are purifying the person or room of any negative energies or emotions, making room for more light to enter. The sticks will burn out easily so you may need to re-light them as you go to keep them smouldering or allow them to go out once you have finished, ready for their next use.  The Selenite can be placed in a room to help cleanse negative energy, placed to your third eye for an instant mental declutter, and swept from head to toe to cleanse your energy field. If cleansing other crystals simply lay them on the Selenite wand overnight. Please note windows and doors should be open to allow smoke and energy to vacate the space.

Offering a large selection of premium quality fragrance oils for soap and candle making. We also stock a wide range of beautiful mica colors for your

Smudge Kit - Tripod, Shell, Palo Santo Stick, White Sage and Feather

Get the SMUDGE out of here! With all going on in the world, we've been smudging our spaces nearly every day and we could not be more proud to debut

Palo Santo Smudge Kit

Minimum order for this item is 1 Kit.

5016 Smudge Kit #2 (Feather, Shell, Palo Santo, Mini White Sage, 4 Tripod)

White Sage & Palo Santo Smudge Kit | Smudging Kit with Sage Smudge Sticks ~ Palo Santo ~ White Sand ~ Abalone Shell ~ Stand ~ Smudging Feather

🏡 Beautiful Spiritual Tools, Made by a Business That Was Born in a Small House in Ohio 🌙 Traditionally used for smudging & cleansing negative energy,

Smudge Kit - White Sage, Palo Santo, Abalone Shell, Smudging Feather, for Healing, Purifying, Meditating & Incense (Essentials)

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Cleansing Energy Kit Palo Santo White Sage Stick Feather Raw Selenite Wand Black Tourmaline Abalone Shell

Smudging Kit Palo Santo - Sage - Yerba Santa - Abalone shell - with Purification

🌙 At Blue River Sage, we work very hard to make sure the quality of our sage is excellent. We quality check every single piece of sage that we touch

Home Cleansing & Smudging Kit with White Sage, Palo Santo, Abalone & Stand, Smudge Feather & Guide - Smudge Kit with Sage Smudge Sticks