

Monthly Review Walter Benjamin in Venezuela

Monthly Review  Walter Benjamin in Venezuela

Benjamin’s philosophy presents problems best addressed not academically, but in dialogue with living political processes. And it is in Latin America, particularly Venezuela, that Benjamin’s ideas have…
Benjamin’s philosophy presents problems best addressed not academically, but in dialogue with living political processes. And it is in Latin America…

The Curious Case of Walter Benjamin (or where is art headed in the 21st century?), by Nicholas Petrone

Monthly Review Ecology and the Future of History

Walter Benjamin: Selected Writings, 1: 1913–1926 — Harvard University Press

Walter Benjamin Now - Whitechapel Gallery

Gallery of The Long(ish) Read: Walter Benjamin Unpacking his Library - 2

How to Reactivate Chavismo

Monthly Review

CEPAL Review no. 132. Special Issue. by Publicaciones de la CEPAL, Naciones Unidas - Issuu

Walter Benjamin

Walter Benjamin New Directions Publishing