

Embracing Messy & Inconsistent Journaling - Bullet Journal

Embracing Messy & Inconsistent Journaling - Bullet Journal

Recently, my parents moved house and I received a stack of my old notebooks, kept safe in the attic of their garage for over a decade. As a teenager, I had journaled pretty much daily, keeping the notebook down the side of my bed, writing late into the night. I remember these books as my closest friends, somewhere I could express, analyse and confide. I remember the joy of coming home to write about a good day at school and the catharsis of feeling the pressure release as the details of a bad one spilled out from my mind and onto the page. There were several occasions that something momentous occurred in my life exactly as I reached the end of a journal, and I had the feeling that this was my own private happy ending, that the sequel would
Recently, my parents moved house and I received a stack of my old notebooks, kept safe in the attic of their garage for over a decade. As a teenager, I had journaled pretty much daily, keeping the notebook down the side of my bed, writing late into the night. I remember these books as my closest friends, somewhere I could express, analyse and confide. I remember the joy of coming home to write about a good day at school and the catharsis of feeling the pressure release as the details of a bad one spilled out from

Bullet Journal: The Bullet Journal Method for Autism

Inconsistency Is the Reason I Consistently Keep a Bullet Journal

The Bullet Journalist Tagged Show & Tell

Embracing Messy & Inconsistent Journaling - Bullet Journal

Bullet Journal: Bullet Journal Notebooks on sale

Embrace the Mess - Bullet Journal

Those of you with ADHD, how do you follow through with journaling

Bullet Journal Layouts for Organization - Lemon8 Search

Embracing the Beauty of Messy Journaling

Here are 3 ways to write Autumn! - Bouncy: my default style with

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The Bullet Journalist Tagged Show & Tell