

The Knight (Hollow Knight), Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

The Knight (Hollow Knight), Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

The Knight is the main protagonist of popular metroidvania Hollow Knight. It is a mute figure whose main goal is to either contain the Radiance within itself or straight up kill her (Depending on the player's choice). Its heroism is determined by the player's choices but not all acts it commits are heroic. Defeated many hostile creatures on its journey such as the Vengefly King, Gruz Mother and Brooding Mawlek. Defeated the False Knight, a maggot that stole the armour of great knight Hegemol and

Category:Neutral Good, Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

Category:Amoral, Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

Category:Status Dependent upon Player Choice, Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

The Knight (Hollow Knight), Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

Arthur Morgan, Inconsistently Admirable Wiki, arthur morgan icon

The Knight, Love Exalted Wiki

Category:Mortal Kombat Inconsistently Admirable, Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

Akira Tadokoro, Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

Category:Amoral, Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

Category:Animal Kindness, Inconsistently Admirable Wiki